This is a catalog of my work I post as often as i can with new work. Photography is truly my passion and i want to share with you all. If you would like to purchase prints you can right now i do not have a store set up but I will do my best to accommodate its coming.
Day 6

I enjoy the way these creatures appear to be dancing gracefully through a stage of one of the most volatile things on earth.
The ocean can reshape the earth in minuts yet the creatures playfully dance through their liquid stage. Next time you go to an aquarium spend some time with these creatures and watch them as they move.
Day 5
Day 4: Me Again

I thought I would lay off the jelly fish for today. Try for another self portrait. These were my first experience using the remote camera app for my canon. What an awesome app. To be completely free of the camera is totally awesome. Now if my tripod was in working order and i had more lighting i probably would have done a little better on these any way i think they came out pretty good for limited equip and limited time to work on them,
These were submitted to a self portrait contest and i hope some thing comes of it still waiting for a response.
Day 3
Day 2 more jellies
Day one part 2

Ok in the interest of trying to make this more frequently I am going to start with a few that are a little bit older until i start getting in the habit of carrying my camera around again.
So to start this off i am going to post my series of jellies. I lve jellie fish and i hope some day to be able to actually dive near them and get live photos. This series was photographed at the Scripps and Monterey Bay aquariums in california. I plan to keep this series going so you readers you may see repeated eventually and i hope that you enjoy my interpretation of these amazing creatures.