

Using only available light this is an old shot of a good friend of mine.  I recently reedited this shot for more drama, I wanted to create the feel of a lost writer from previous generations and think it worked out



Another shot from my trip to ladder canyon in the SoCal desert.  Again shot with a holga lens for cannon DSLR.  I managed to get the framing in a way to when i cropped the original image it would more resemble those of a holga.  I am having so much fun with this lens


Yosemite: Grove

Long hours editing this shot have got me to close to something of what I saw when closing the shutter.  I shoot every thing in the cameras raw mode as flat as I can.  I attempt to expose as close to perfect as I can in each shot but I dont like the idea of the camera making interpretations of what I want my image to look like.

There is little alteration to saturation in this shot with exception of increasing my cooler tones.  I have used some gradient filters to draw the eye to where I wanted it to go as well as burning and dodging.  I do not feel its quite perfect and I may reedit and post again.  If anyone has thoughts or suggestions let me know.


Half Dome

Ok so i decided to post an image from my recent trip to Yosemite.  I have been having a hard time with this but through encouragement from friends I decided that i could try to post my take on a place that has already been photographed by an amazing photographer.  This shot is of Half Dome on the way out of the park it was fairly late in the evening so exposure time was relatively long.  I believe it came out well.


Love and peace

Saturday afternoon went to the beach in Carlsbad and this pleasant fellow was out there attempting to bring his message to people. I figured I would help him he really is not wrong.

I hope this gentleman can help bring some love, peace, and compassion to your life


Balboa Park,

I truly love Balboa Park in San Diego, Ca the old building are beautiful and extremely photogenic.  This shot taken with Hipstamatic is some how incredibly powerful to me.  I have photographed the buildings in the park several times and this is my first attempt that i think was successful in capturing its beauty.

Some how the old feel of Hipstamatic shows the true beauty of the old places


Chemical fun

Ever ask the question what happens when you mix dry ice, water, and hipstamatic?????

Actually I never thought about that but this is what happens



One of the things I love most in photography is people I love portraits figure studies. People can be very interesting. Also it leads to a more interesting image.

Imagine this shot without the couple. While its still a beautiful scene I don't think it is anywhere near as interesting.



Another holga photo in  Sonora Ca.  I really like this shot and am having a great time turning a high end piece of equipment into a low end but these images are a lot of fun.



On a recent trip to Sonora, Ca i decided to use the Holga lens for my Cannon camera.  I am wworking with this lens and it is my first venture into the world of cheep plastic lenses.  Shooting with it leads to some interesting issues. First off i have to get used to not being able to focus and just estimate my distance.  Exposure meter if useless and the pictures are generally fairly soft,  but i think this one came out well and i am liking the lens if anything for fun and frees me up to compose a little more.